Monday, February 8, 2010


1. i've fallen behind on my blogging duties. apologies. fun stuff to come

2. i fell down again (3rd crash). this time it was just on my way to the store. the boots i have leave much to be desired in the way of traction, so down i went after i slipped on nothing in particular**. on that day, the traffic happened to be backed up, so hundreds of drivers were given a little show that i like to call, "foreigner biffs it and limps away toward the store."

3. my hopes have fallen in regards to climate change. for some reason, now that it is february, i feel entitled to daily highs that are above -15 or -30 (F). but looking at this week's weather (-20s straight thru) helps to remind me that nature has no time to regard my sense of entitlement. so it looks like seven more days of face freezing fun.

4. nothing else has fallen in the meantime. to my immediate knowledge. so, that's all.

**in my defense - it had just snowed. snow is not immediatley shoveled so it just gets packed down into a slickery, bumpy sheet of ice. so, i suspect part of that played a key role in my downfall.

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