Monday, February 15, 2010

happy v/tss day!

it was a tricky day this year. tsagaan sar* and valentine's both mooshed together on the 14th. two holidays in one 24 hour time period. could have been overwhelming except for the fact that v-day is a fairly new holiday for mongolians and tsagaan sar has been celebrated for, well, hundreds of years. so the buuz were not heart shaped and husbands and wives still didn't greet each other in the morning.
i, however, not being of mongol decent but also not v-day's largest fan, decided to wait until today to post something in tribute. you can look at it as either a belated or very, very early 'happy v-day' wish. i believe in choices.
so, to you all, regardless of the holiday you're celebrating!

(if i would have had some fore-thought, i quite possibly might have sent these out yesterday to you and yours. but actually, i think it's much better this way:)

*translation: tsagaan - white , sar - month or moon. it's the lunar new year celebration. yahoo!

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