Tuesday, March 24, 2009

tuesday's monday

well, seeing as i will probably never, ever write anything on monday and always on tuesday, consider tuesday's monday a tradition from now on. a tradition that will never, ever change. ever.

**tuesday's monday -- 'today' means monday**

today i walked everywhere. i didn't intend to, it just happened. i did this for two hours straight. i gave some money to an old beggar woman and warmed her hands, but i couldn't understand anything that came out of her mouth. when this happens, i just say 'tiim uu?' (really?) after everything the person says. it illicits some funny reactions. when i got home, i made tacos. they were nothing short of awesome.

**for real tuesday -- 'today' means tuesday**

this is what happened today: i drank some coffee, taught a couple lessons, picked up some fallen cigarette cartons from some lady's stand as i was walking home and gave them back to her, complained to mone about my broken work computer, ate a boiled egg, celebrated national 80s appreciation day*.


*there is no such thing, but if there was, i would have absolutely celebrated it. totally RAD.

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