Tuesday, March 17, 2009

tuesday's monday

it's funny that i start this blog this week. this being one of the least interesting weeks i could possibly begin a more frequent update.

last week would have been much better.

but seeing as i am a woman of the now, i'll just vaguely allude to last week throughout this week's various postings.

let's begin.

1. i realize i should have started this monday. but mondays are not my strong suit so i avoided it. actually, our internet was not working. so that's why. consider this tuesday's monday. and when you read 'today' trick yourself into thinking it's monday and you'll be fine. unless you hate mondays. then you will not be fine.

today as i was sitting in the office, a fellow teacher got up and locked the door. i thought "hm, this is strange. why is she locking us all in the office?" then i got a bit nervous because nothing happened. we were just a bunch of teachers locked in a tiny office together. and that spells disaster.

eventually though, about 3 of them grabbed their cigarettes, lit up and began smoking. after 2 minutes it was worse than a bar in there. then one of the smokers asked me "is this ok? do you smoke?" i wanted to respond with a huge, resounding "no and no!" but this is what came out: "it's ok. i don't smoke." i looked at my watch - it was only 2 minutes before classes began anyway.

this is typically how my monday classes begin:

me: ok, give me your homework.
class: silence. confused/blank stares.
me: did you forget?
class: silence. confused/blank stares.
me: do you understand?
class: silence. some of them blink.
me: great. less work for me.

despite my constant battle to get them to do their homework, my monday classes are really quite delightful. abnormally forgetful, but delightful.

**end of tuesday's monday**

2. today is tuesday, also that means St. Patrick's Day. i am wearing green, but not to celebrate. today was also another exam day for my 212 students. see, all my classes except the high schoolers essentially have 2 midterms - called Progress Exams - during the semester (which i struggle to understand the reason for), the second of which is only two weeks before their final. one of the questions i asked during this particular PE was "who are your heroes" and every person said "my dad." but one girl said "my mom." so, things are looking up moms! you, too, will eventually join the hero fold someday!

3. as i was cleaning out my favorites list i came across this doozey: old china blog and nearly peed my pants. i thought it was real funny, so check it out. later i read it again and couldn't stand it, so just one read is more than enough.

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