Tuesday, March 31, 2009

big day

1. tuesday's monday:

i met with a student to practice english/mongolian (so you're not confused, it was me practicing mongolian). we had a grand time laughing and talking about our futures. then i spent 3 hours getting copies made. but my friends at the copy place gave me a discount and i finished a good portion of the novel i'm reading. so it was a win win win situation.

2. tuesday:

at various times i get asked to correct documents that have been translated by one of the department heads at the school i teach at. correct sometimes means re-write. but today she came in with a little bitty paragraph that was only slightly bad. after, she not too subtley stuck her wrist in my face to proudly show me a fairly nice watch she received over the weekend from the prez of mongolia. then she pointed to everything really nice about the watch. she's really proud of that gift and will probably keep it forever. i've never seen someone cherish something - but i think i saw it for the first time today.

i also noticed that a kid had "ass excellence" embroidered quite prettily on the back of his jacket. nice.

3. last day of march:

i'm happy that the sun is still out at 7 pm now. before it was dark at 5. that was gross. this is much better.

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