Monday, May 11, 2009

breaking the law of the blog

this will only happen once that i write on a monday. rest assured it will never happen again.

these two things happened this morning:

1. two ornry poor kids were walking down the street throwing stuff at people as they passed. when i approached them, they were just about to chuck some sticks at me when they noticed my big foreign face. immediately they began whimpering, "money? money?" i didn't give them anything and they went on throwing stuff at people.

2. directly following this incident, some guy tried to steal from my backpack. i heard and felt him unzip my bag, so i wheeled around, gave him a nasty look and shoved him backwards. i definitley starlted him and myself. he was a big man and i almost made him fall over. it wasn't funny at the time, but now when i replay the scene in my head, it looks hilarious. he was just so shocked.

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