Tuesday, April 28, 2009

tuesday's whatever.

it's been in the 70s - or for you celsius folk: the 20s - for the past 3 days . which means it will snow pretty soon. in the meantime, i'm sweating to death.

monday: i saw an old man by the bus stop standing around with his finger up his nose. he wasn't doing anything in particular with his finger, it was just plugging up a nostril.

what is up with that?

today: was normal. i wanted to wear flip flops real bad, but that's a cultural faux pas in April. my mongolian friends are still wearing their winter jackets. i already get plenty of weird stares, i don't want to increase the number.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


today i made a student cry and i feel really horrible about it. so i came home in a bad mood, ignored the good-natured guys hanging out in the stairwell, and ate some peanut butter cups. i probably ruined her life. i know all the teachers who made me cry have ruined mine.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

don't read

isn’t it like 3,000 hours of a person’s life is spent waiting in traffic? that’s about how many hours i spend playing solitaire. and the only reason i play so much solitaire is because i’m a fan of The Office. in fact, that may be the only reason…

speaking of The Office, if my office ever had an Office Olympics day, these would be the competitions:
1. Who’s the Mama?: how many extremely pregnant women can we fit in here at once? [3 is the number to beat]
2. Flappermouth: who can speak Mongolian the quickest? triple points if you use speedy Mongolian during a faculty meeting involving important information that even native speakers can’t catch.
3. Coat Rack: how many coats can fit on the rack before it topples over on Alissa as she is working? or playing solitaire.
4. Phraseology: how many awkward phrases [ie: bust you’re a** off] am i asked to explain on a daily basis?
5. What’s that smell?: is it someone’s lunch? BO? stale coffee? the men’s bathroom next door? the foreigner?
6. Share the Orange: how many ways can you divide an orange so everyone in the office can have a piece?** double points if you can feed 10 with a mandarin
7. HIYA!: 2 points and a ‘judo chop!’ every time a co-worker asks me: “are you related to Jean Claude?”

the end.

**culture note: Mongolians share stuff. so if you bring any food item into a room of Mongols (including wee mandarins), be prepared to share

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

like the dickens!

i will use 'like the dickens' in this post as many times as possible. as many inappropriate times as possible. because it's such a stupid and irritating phrase.

tuesday's monday:

there's a good chance that mondays are out to get me. but this one wasn't so bad. however, my roommate yelled at me for not cleaning up enough. that wasn't pleasant. like the dickens. on the other hand, i talked to my parentals for 3 hours and got a box from kendall which had reeses pb cups in it. aaaaand my best friend is now on facebook. so. at the end of the day, i didn't feel like punching anybody.

i don't actually ever feel like punching people. wait. yes, i do.


there were 4 short term YWAM people who came to visit my class today. they all have normal names. but when i tried to write 3 of the 4 names in a text, they went all screwy. example: bryan = crybn, elissa = flippa, jordan = korean. it made me laugh. like the dickens. anyway, they were great and very helpful. i wish they would come to every class. but they should think about changing their names. nothing wrong with flippa.

on a rather sad note - i believe something is inflamed in my ankle. it hurts (like the dickens). i don't like it. i wish it would go away. not my foot, but the inflamation. good news: i have lots of ib profen to pop. like the dickens.

the end.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

who dat?

fact: i'm on a slight sugar high.
fact: it's not really a sugar high.

tuesday's monday:

i ate dinner with a malaysian, german, french and japanese ( i feel like i should end french and japanese with 'person', but not so much with malaysian and german...why is that?). it was by far the most multi-cultural eating experience i've ever had. even the sushi was multi-cultural: made by my japanese friend but with korean sea weed.

not too many people can say they've had multi-cultural sushi. i think that deserves a badge or pin of some kind.


it was freakin hot today (upwards of 60 - i kid you not). i gave myself the sweaty betty award, because that's what i was. all day.

other than sweating great amounts, nothing else happened. i may have taught a lesson.