Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ugly pictures

today a co-worker was showing pictures of her 'fat days*' to us so we all could have a laugh at her. as she was pointing out her various flabs i thought, yeah! right on! way to be cool! because i know lots of grody pictures from my past i'd NEVER want to show anyone.

and then i thought -- it's so much better to purposely look hideous in pictures. some of the worst pictures of me are when i'm trying to look good in them. and some of the best (and most entertaining) are when i'm pulling a face or striking an unbecoming pose.

certianly there is a time and place to be normal and attempt looking that way, but being a freak can be so much more satisfying.

satisfy your freakiness. take ugly pictures.

*fat days for a mongolian woman means 64 kg or 140 pounds....

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