Friday, September 11, 2009

all balls

me: "what kind of sports do you like to play?"

student: "many, many! table tennis, basketball, football....i like playing with all kinds of balls. i like all balls!"

me: "oh.....great!"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

cigs and tweezers

i cross a bridge everday on my way to and from work. sometimes there is a woman who sits on one end of the bridge to sell candy and cigarettes. one day, as i passed by, she was selling a cigarette to a college kid (it's illegal to sell single cigarettes out of a pack, but people here do it anyway). this would be an otherwise non-blogifiable happening, except that she was picking the cigarette out of the pack with a pair of tweezers instead of her fingers.

very germ-conscientious, but somehow.....superfluous